Welcome To DIC
The District Industries Centre (DIC)comes under the Department of Industries and Commerce. The primary objective of the DIC is to generate employment by way of promoting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs), Cottage and Handicrafts Industries. The packages of services offered by the District Industries Centre are Multidimensional and need based for facilitating industrial growth in respect of new and graduating enterprises. The DIC is headed by General Manager who is supported by functional Managers, technical and non-technical Officers.
All the schemes of the Department, especially MSMED Act 2006, MSMI Policy 2021 Subsidy schemes- Capital Subsidy, LTPT Subsidy, and Back ended Interest Subsidy, Generator Subsidy Single Window clearances, Micro Small Enterprises Facilitation council(MSEFC) etc. New Entrepreneur-cum-Enterprise Development Scheme (NEEDS), Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme(UYEGP), Prime Ministers Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Prime Ministers Formalisation of MICRO Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PMFME), Quality Control Order, EDI Training Programmes etc,. are implemented through this DIC.

About Us
The District Industries Centre comes under the department of Industries and Commerce. The primary objective of the District Industries Centre is to generate employment by way of promoting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Cottage and Handicrafts Industries. At present, this District Industries Centre implements a variety of programmes .
General Manager, District Industries Centre, No.134, Elk Hill Road, Uthagamandalam, The Nilgiris - 643001